Review by The Ghost and the Goth (The Ghost and the Goth #1) by Stacey Kade

The Ghost & The Goth by Stacey Kade

TITLE: The Ghost And The Goth
SERIES: The Ghost And The Goth #1
AUTHOR: Stacey Kade
PUBLISHER: Hyperion, an imprint of Disney Book Group
PAGES: 281 pages
FORMAT: Hardback
SOURCE: Purchased
RATING: 5 stars

This was a very entertaining read. The heroine is quirky and bitchy and almost impossible to like in the beginning (reminds me a bit of Elena from The Vampire Diaries-the books not the show), but you love by the end. The hero is her opposite and I immediately felt the urge to give the poor guy a hug. He pretty much get tortured by the spirits he sees and picked on by the school principal. It was a bit cliched in the whole pretty girl falling for goth guy she wouldn’t have given the time of day before tale, but I wholly enjoyed it.

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